Sunday, December 8, 2013

Blog Post #52 - When was Jesus Born - Jan 1 0 AD/BC ? How to know what day of the week is Christmas?

The last post explained clearly (It was clear to me so it should be clear to you) how to solve for Jan 1 2014 and asked you to solve for Jan 1 2030.


Jan 1 2030

Remove 2030


25% of 30 = 7( Not sure when was the last time you tipped 25% in a restaurant but that was a good way to remember this formula - tip 25% and ask the waitress to keep the change. If it a waiter take the change!)

Add 30+7 = 37.

I did tell you about the leap year problem(2030 is not leap year so no issues)

Closest 7 multiplier is 35 

Take 37-35 = 2 = Tuesday ( 1 was Monday all the way to 7/0 was Sunday)

Now the question is what about Christmas 2013?

Remember to solve Christmas 2013 you need to solve Jan 1 2014 which was Wednesday and use the same answer.

Always find Jan 1 of next year and it is the same day. 

Why? Because Christmas and New Year always fall on the same day... year after magic.

The fact is that we all forget that mathematics (this I heard in some Ted talks)

must be

1. Computational
3. Inspirational.

In these posts I want to stay with 1 and 2 (like your school teachers) and will hope you will be inspired!.

No, that is not my plan.

Think - what is Isomorphism?

From Princeton University website

Isomorphisms are studied in mathematics in order to extend insights from one phenomenon to others: if two objects are isomorphic, then any property which is preserved by an isomorphism and which is true of one of the objects, is also true of the other

so those folks know what it is. I don't.

So as long as we understand that Calendar days follow certain truths we can extend our knowledge from one application to next.

What does this inspire you to do? Get an App so not to mess with this formula? Write a new app with these formula?

I know the purpose of Gregorian calendar was to ensure we all celebrate Easter.

Why? Resurrection of Jesus is the miracle that helped people understand he was son of God so pope  Pope Gregory XIII's  decided to commision Mathematicians to create a calendar for all of us (Whether Christian or not!).

We are now in 2013 AD.

A.D. (Anno Domini or "year of our Lord") was meant to mean after the birth of Jesus. 

Current nomenclature uses CE and BCE (Common Era) as the estimation of the birth year of Jesus, made by Dionysius Exiguus in the sixth century is now considered inaccurate. 

Using the chronology of events in the Bible and known dates of Roman historical events, the birth must have taken place between 6 BCE and 4 BCE. 

Have you started observing ACE and BCE in text books and history channels? If not, 

I am assuming you are watching roman numerals - in super bowl and have not come to Arabic and Post Arabic Mathematical World.

So no one knows on Jan 1 0 AD/BC what happened Just like how you don't remember 12/8/2012 unless something interesting happened to you.

Make today memorable .

I read somewhere

Yesterday is History
Tomorrow is Mystery
Today is a Present. Use it .

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays 

We will talk about Kwanzaa and Hanukkah soon.

Sivakumar Manikanteswaran

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