Monday, February 3, 2014

Blog Post #65 - Money - Wealth and Rich

I came across this topic again today so I thought I should write about it.

My friend Suresh Mentioned Chris Rock and his talk show where Chris says 

'Shaq is rich. The white man who signs his check … is wealthy. "Ah, here you go, Shaq. Go buy yourself a bouncing car. Bling, bling!"

Shaq is a millionaire getting his millions from Gerald Hatten "Jerry" Buss who is wealthy.

Last 2 spring breaks we were touring US Bureau of Engraving where they make real paper money(real and paper?)

Paper money is made in Fort Worth and in Washington D.C. 
Mint in Pennsylvania makes the change/coins.

The joke that was mentioned in the Forth worth facility during our tour was 'People sometimes make 54 million dollars in 1 hour with high school education'. .. I guess even Ivy league students and Hedge fund owners don't..
It's a printer's job..

My friend Anup gave me this book - Hackers and Painters . I will be quoting from this book for sometime now.. (atleast next couple of posts)

The first revelation the book had on me - everything around you is a computer. Programmers rule this world. Your newspaper is gone.
Your car is now a computer.
Your books are now in e-readers.

I was watching a ted talk - Bill gates has hired hackers who are good in hacking ssl and other complex systems to hack mosquito life cycle. Watch Paul Pablos Holman here 

The geek employing nerds to kill mosquito .. The world is now seen as feedback lifecycles,systems and feedback mechanisms. What does this have to do with Rich and wealthy?

Paul Graham author of Hackers and Painters explains the difference.. very clearly. People think making money is their primary objective.We study for it - from 6 years to 21/30 years about 15 to 24 years. We are supposed to use this knowledge and every other knowledge we acquire on the way to acquire money. Making money is not wealth.

Money is supposed to provide you with 'Time' and 'Comfort'. 
If you are in Antarctica or middle of ocean or in s desert or in outer space (or in parts of texas lie Lubbock where I lived for 3 months!) money wont get you anything. You need wealth. You want to be not Rich with money but wealthy with what you 'need'. 

Money is anything that is commonly accepted by a group of people for the exchange of goods, services, or resources. - according to

Imagine a world without money - you won't. Imagine a world with lots of money and lots of  money only with you. Remember you being rich means others need to be poor. It is a zero sum game. If not what is the point of being rich. Think. Do you want everyone to be rich?
If everyone is rich then everyone gets to enjoy the same comforts.

Physical comforts - nice house,car/transportation,technology,medical facility access
Mental comfort - time to use whatever you want to use it for and the peace of mind to do the same (not to worry about any physical comfort)

We are know the richest men never carried wealth with them when they died. 
I don't know many rich women who died so I won't quote them here.

Wealthy people are not the people we see in nice cars if they are still running behind making money.
If you can choose to do what you want to do and have the means to do the same then you are wealthy. If money stops you at anytime from pursuing this task then you are not wealthy.

Are you wealthy? 

Do you want to be rich?

What is money according to you? - Is it a means or it is an end. If it is a means what does it mean to you?

Sivakumar Manikanteswaran

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