Friday, January 31, 2014

Blog Post #64 - Winning ,Losing - Lying and Cheating

It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.” 
― George Washington

When we were  in the chess tournament last Saturday,Jan 25th 2014 a parent stopped by Arnav and said it is not Winning or Losing that matters. What does matter is you enjoy the game.

I was thinking - really?
My Philosophy has been win the damn thing. Whether you like it or not. Once a slacker always a slacker. There are no points worth showing for not winning. You get valuable lessons but they are useless unless you use those to win. The point is to Win.

The takeaway I have from life and books is all about winners. Winners get Medals,Trophy,bigger paycheck,higher degrees,peaceful life,trophy spouse(not to be confused with trophies) and a Flat tummy.


Yes.  A Flat Tummy. Majority of People high in hierarchy in society have healthy life and a flat tummy. Lower income people and people with stress at the bottom of the food chain eat poorly work mundane stuff and get bigger tummy. (Don't guess my tummy size!..just read the blog)

Three researches - one from UK from department of labor, a Stanford university professor's research in Savannah - the wild wild african sub sahara and lab experiments in research facility (google for or watch 'stress the silent killer' in netflix) have confirmed this theory. Alpha characters get more dopamine more endorphin  more testosterone (needed for both male and female primates and humans) and keeps them healthy and stress free.

“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.” 
― Friedrich Nietzsche

When I was on an assignment to Mumbai in 2003 I met a VP in GTL Navi Mumbai and asked him how come he was slim trim and smiling while we had tight deadlines and his company was bound by contract to deliver. He said oh. That is because I take the work and delegate tension to lower level employees . So true. You don't need UK labor dept,primates and Stanford to confirm the theory about healthy life in top and bottom of food chain.

Bottom line - next time when you are in an all hands in an office meeting, when you see a presidential candidate (forget vice presidential candidates) in US, National figures in any country,International leaders in UN - most have a healthy chemical mix in their body to regulate . Exceptions are not the rules.

Check the picture below

Life is not fair - a friends daughter once said "It's not fair".

My friend and myself said - who said life has to be fair?
Most of us like to win. Kids cry when they lose. Adults do too.

As a race(human race) we like to win.
The secret is to redefine success. Lost an interview. Add score to persistence.
Didn't get a good performance review - attend a Dale Carnegie course.

The fear for most of us should be not to die with a song in the heart.

Henry David Thoreau quote — 'Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.

Hey The quotes are always for men not for women don't ask me and go get planchet or ouija board and talk to his ghost. Here is how one of those boards look

I observed a child cheat in chess today. I asked him to correct it (as my son would have lost if I didn't). We like to win at all cost. Not just that child but all of us.

Is it acceptable to cheat?
It is acceptable to Lie?

If I opened your linked in profile and look - did you do all the stuff that you said you did? Save the company money,get your country out of recession and save the lady,dog and her cat while fixing her issue (Brand loyalty stuff).

Think twice? We all have a limit of what is acceptable lie and not acceptable lie?

Did you have affair with that lady? The answer still resonates even after Clinton left office around the globe. People don't like when other people lie. But do they like when they lie?

What did you tell your manager when you were late? What did you tell you spouse when you didn't get the stuff that you promise you will do? What did you tell your child why she can't have that toy?

I sometimes hear parents says we don't have money so we wont buy the toy. Really?
I tell my kid we are rich and have lots of money and I choose not to give you money to buy this silly toy. He learned the lesson.

While we were in the chess tournament another chess coach approached Arnav and asked him to stop bragging about his 3 consecutive wins  and asked if he wants to be coached for a fee.

Since the coach who asked this was a desi software background guy you can assume he was as rich as most of us and he was just kidding. My son turned around and said 'Play with me. I have lots of money more than 200,000 and I won't give you any of that to teach me". I was impressed. That's how rich people are - have a lot and don't want to give any.

Sometimes kids learn stuff quick and practice while I think thrice to give $1 to the homeless fearing and arguing why how he might use this money and letting him know that I don't have 'change'. I am not sure if I can change but I hope to raise my kids (both of them) more honest than me.

Research points out that some lying to ourselves is necessary. Top sportsmen ,lawyers and other professional keep motivating themselves by claiming they are the best (to themselves). What was observed in brain scans was they have more gray matter .

Here is a fact - for a kid(or a kid in you) to lie - you need to know the truth and the lie. Now you need to cover up the lie with more lies. So in effect you need 2 tracks to be maintained in the brain. Top swimmers even if they are of same or equal fitness lie to themselves they are better than the other swimmer even while observing the other swimmer swim better than them. It helps the swimmer to cheat/lie to themselves that they are good and really better than the other player and it lets them wins.

With superbowl around the corner watch the offense and defense from both the teams and in Super Bowl XLVIII if you see Peyton Manning throw duck - observe his response. He might blame the wind.
Gone with the wind!!!

“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.” 
― Mark Twain

What do you think about winning ?Do share your thoughts.

Go win
Sivakumar Manikanteswaran

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Blog Post #63 - Passwords - cyber security accounts locked, Open and compromised

I was in a website yesterday and was appalled by rules for Password.
What do they want for a password - The password you entered is not valid
    • It must contain between 8 and 32 characters. Use only characters from the following set: ! # $ % & ( ) * + , - . / 0123456789 : ; < = > ? @ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ [ \ ] _ ` abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz { | } ~
    • It must contain at least 1 lowercase letter(s) (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz).
    • It must contain at least 1 capital letter(s) (ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ).
    • It must contain at least 1 numeric character(s) (0123456789).
    • It must contain at least 1 character(s) from the following set: ! # $ % & ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] _ ` { | } ~
    • It must not contain more than 2 identical consecutive characters (AAA, iiii, $$$$$ ...).
    • It must not contain your user name.
    • It must not contain your first name.
    • It must not contain your last name

In the name of cyber security we need to understand every website and theiri rules for password. 

You use them every day from the computer to your mobile(if you don't have a password/pattern to protect your mobile or tablet please do it soon) 

Google has some rules for all of us at

Once you set up a password there should be a mechanism to retrieve it - 
accounts will try to send an email or text to your mobile phone.

Some tips from

talks about how retrieval challenge questions needs to be handled. If the challenge question is where are you born - your answer can be "I eat rice" (which I do). Unrelated answers avoids you getting hacked. Hotmail and Dropbox accounts were hacked using Mitt Romney's pet's name. Answering your challenging questions at set up causes you more pain. For challenging questions have challenging answers.

Where to store? - Google docs,drop box,sky drive,desktop,laptop - the answer is encrypted USB. Store passwords and challenge answers in a removable media (remove it ...don't leave it connected)

Some useful tips
Never use dictionary words
Never use a password which is People you know,like and message in facebook
Never add year of birth to your password(2 or 4 digits)
Always log out
Never store the password in chrome or IE or safari or any browser.

When you lose your laptop,phone or tablet don't lose your bank accounts and emails along with it.

What tips do you have for cyber security?

Keep Learning and be safe out there
Sivakumar Manikanteswaran

Monday, January 27, 2014

Blog Post #62 - Adi Shankara and What is the use?

After we dropped my nephew in airport my son Arnav said 

'Daddy it is easy to drop someone at airport but it is hard to see them go away'
The next time we met his friend who had dropped her cousin off he said  "It is easy to say Bye but it is sad to see them go away".

This made me think about Yaksha Prashna . The questions that Yama - the god of justice/death asks Yudhishtra (his son!) are 100 in number. One of the question that Yama asks is 'What is the funniest thing on earth? The answer that was given was - People who are going to die crying for people who died.

Adi Shankara talks about this in Baja Govindam.Punarapi Jananam Punarapi Maranam. The basic idea of Brahamin /Bramam is to attain salvation by moving up the hierarchy from algae to holy human(not holy cow).

Adi Shankara - The Guru of all Gurus in Hinduism. According to Sivakumar Manikanteswaran (Me) if not for him the nation of India and the surrounding regions could have been Buddhist (not that we like dictatorship or Military governments). . the sad reality being any nation that adopts Buddhism is ruled by Military dictators - Japan , China ,Myanmar,Afghanistan (do you remember the 3 buddhas which the Taliban blasted in protest to US assault in 2001 ) Pictures below

According to the website below

Adi Shankara's work can be classified into 3 categories.

1. Bhashya: Commentaries on the scriptures such as the Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and the Brahmasutras
2. Stotras: Devotional compositions like the Dakshinamoorthy stotras
3. Prakarana Granthas: Introductory manuals for spiritual studies

I would like to discuss about 2 songs composed (music and lyrics? - by Adi = Adi Shankara!)
My favorite song isThotaka ashtakam
I will not discuss about this song here.

We will talk about 

Guru Ashtakam
 and Baja Govindam

Lets start with Guru Ashtakam
The catchy phrase for me is Thatha kim Thatha Kim, which roughly translates to What is the use?(The title for this post - What is the use?)

So what ? - What is the use if you have

Handsome Body
Attractive wife
Fame spread far and wide
Enormous  wealth and stable (like Mount Meru - who knows what that is!)
Wife,Wealth,Childern,GrandChildren,House,relations and born in great family
Expertise in six angas and the four vedas
Expertise in writing good prose and poems
If you are considered 'Great Abroad' (in facebook or twitter or youtube)
Considered rich in your place
Greatly Engaged in virtues and Life
Even if you are king of a great region (corporate equivalent - Board of directors,'C' level - CEO ,CFO,CIP ,SVP)
Served by kings and great kings (corporate equivalent Managing other VPS,Directors)
If you are very famous all over world
Your are know for your charity and fame and world like you (like Bill Gates and Bill & Melissa Foundation)
If you concentrate your mind on passion,yoga and fire sacrife or in the affairs of wealth
You have a great Jewel collection
You have a passionate wife
If your mind wanders in forest or in house of in duties of great thoughts


Ok. Get it?

Adi Shankara knows and understands Guru is important.

Mata,Pita,Guru and Deivam(GOD). The order has always been established as Mom,Dad,Teacher and God.

Adi Shankara focussed on 3rd here.

Also the greatness of Adi Shankara is that he is a Shaivite ('A Shiva Work shipper) who wrote about Shiva songs,Shakti - Goddess songs and Vishnu (Govinda,Krishna et all).
Bajha Govindam is a Vishnu song. At the height of the fight between Hindu fractions he dominated the scene by writing about all the gods and demigods of Hinduism.

A physically fit health freak who travelled from Kerala to Kashmir by foot. I think twice to walk to the neighbourhood park.

Remember the context - Adi Shankara is walking in city of Kashi and finds a teacher repeating sanskrit language grammar rules (substitute this with arithmetic,algebra,physics laws or whatever you like). So verse 1 talks about that....but the whole Bhaja Govindam song bring the meaning of attachment and usefulness.

There is the story of Valmiki which brings this point to life(life point to point) - if you do anything for others-others will enjoy the fruits but may not approve the means and accept its consequences. So profound. Think about it..

From Wikipedia

The Uttara Kanda tells the story of Valmiki's early life, as an unnamed highway robber who used to rob people after killing them. Once, the robber tried to rob the divine sage Narada for the benefit of his family. Narada asked him if his family would share the sin he was incurring due to the robbery. The robber replied positively, but Narada told him to confirm this with his family. The robber asked his family, but none agreed to bear the burden of sin. Dejected, the robber finally understood the truth of life and asked for Narada's forgiveness. Narada taught the robber to worship God. But, as Lord Vishnu forbid the divine sage Narada from preaching the Ram_Nam mantra of salvation, Narada cleverly wrapped the mantra as "Mara-Maram". When continuously uttered it would become the moola mantra "Ram". The robber meditated for many years, so much so that Ant-hills grew around his body. Finally, a divine voice declared his penance successful, bestowing him with the name "Valmiki": "one born out of ant-hills" (Valmikam in Sanskrit means Ant-hill).

Here is the meaning of Bhaja Govindam as written in

  1. Adore the Lord, adore the Lord, adore the Lord, O fool! when the appointed time (for departure) comes, the repetition of grammatical rules will not, indeed, save you.
  2. O fool! leave off the desire for accumulation of wealth; create in the mind, thoughts about Reality, devoid of passion. What you get - i.e. what you have achieved through your past deeds - with that, satisfy your mind.
  3. Seeing the seductive female form, do not fall prey to frenzied delusion. That (female form) is (but) a modification of flesh and fat. Think well thus in your mind and again and again.
  4. The water on the lotus-leaf is very unsteady; so also is life extremely unstable. Know that the entire world is devoured by disease and conceit, and smitten with sorrow.
  5. As long as you have the ability to earn money, so long will your dependents be attached to you. After that, when you live with an infirm body no one world even speak to you a word.
  6. As long as there is breath in the body, so long people in the household ask about one's welfare. Once the breath leaves, on the destruction of the body, the dependents dread that very same body.
  7. When a boy, one is attached to sport; when a youth, one is attached to as young woman; when old. one is attached to anxiety; to the supreme Brahman, no one, alas, is attached!
  8. Who is your wife? Who is your son? Exceedingly wonderful, indeed, is this empirical process! Of whom are you? Who are you? Whence have you come? O brother, think of that truth here
  9. Through the company of the good, there arises non-attachment; through non-attachment, there arises freedom from delution; through delusionless-ness, there arises steadfastness; through steadfastness, there arises liberation in life. 
  10. When youth is spent, what lustful play is there? When the water has evaporated, what lake is there? When the money is gone, what dependents are there? When the truth is known, what empirical process is there?
  11. Do not be proud of wealth, kindred, and youth; Time takes away all these in a moment. Leaving aside this entire (world) which is of the nature of an illusion, and knowing the state of Brahman, enter into it. 
  12. Day and night, dusk and dawn, winter and spring come repeatedly; Time sports, life is fleeting; yet one does not leave the winds of desire.
  13. Why worry about wife, wealth, etc., O crazy one; is there not for you the one who ordains? In the three worlds, it is only the association with good people that can serve as the boat that can carry one across the sea of birth.
  14. The ascetic with matted lock, the one with his head shaven, the one with hairs pulled out one by one, the one who disguises himself variously with the ochre-coloured robes - such a one is a fool who, though seeing, does not see. Indeed, this varied disguise is for the sake of the belly. 
  15. The body has become decrepit; the head has turned grey; the mouth has been rendered toothless; grasping a stick, the old man moves about. Even then, the mass of desires does not go. 
  16. In front, there is fire; at the back, there is the sin; in the night, (the ascetic sits) with the knees stuck to the chin; he receives alms in his palms, and lives under the trees; yet the bondage of desire does not leave him.
  17. One goes on pilgrimage to the place where the Gañgá joins the sea; or observe the religious vows with care; or offers gifts. But if he be devoid of knowledge, he does not gain release-according to all schools of thought-even in a hundred lives.
  18. Living in temples or at the foot of trees, sleeping on the ground, wearing deer-skin, renouncing all possessions and their enjoyment - to whom will not dispassion bring happiness?
  19. Let one practice concentration; or let one indulge in sense-enjoyment. Let one find pleasure in company; or in solitude. He alone is happy, happy, verily happy, whose mind revels in Brahman.
  20. For him, who has studied the Bhagavadgitá even a little, who has drunk a drop of the Gañgá-water, and who has performed the worship of the Destroyer of the demon Mura (viz. Ùri Køúïa) at least once, there is no tiff with Yama (the lord of death).
  21. Repeated birth, repeated death, and repeated lying in mother's womb - this transmigratory process is extensive and difficult to cross; save me, O Destroyer of Mura (O Køúïa), through your grace!
  22. He who wears a dress made of rags that lie about in the streets, he who walks in the path that is beyond merit and demerit the yogin whose mind is given up to yoga revels (in Brahman) just as a child or as a mad-man.
  23. Who are you? Whom am I? Whence have I come? Who is my mother? Who, my father? Thus enquire, leaving aside the entire world which is comparable to a dream, and is essenceless.
  24. In you, in me, and elsewhere too, there is but one Viúïu (God). Vainly do you get angry with me, being impatient. See the Self in all things, and leave off everywhere ignorance which is the cause of difference.
  25. Make no effort to be either at war with, or in league with, enemy, friend, son, or relative. If you want to attain the status of Viúïu (Godhood) soon, be equal-minded towards all things.
  26. Leaving off desire, anger, greed, and delusion, make self-inquiry; who am I? They are fools who are without Self-knowledge; as captives in hell, they are tortured.
  27. The Bhagavadgètá and the Sahasranáma should be sung; the form of the Lord of Lakúmè (Viúïu) should always be meditated on; the mind should be led to the company of the good; and wealth should be distributed among the indigent.
  28. One easily takes to carnal enjoyment afterwards, lo, there is disease of the body. Although, in the world, death is the refuge, even then one does not relinquish sinful ways.
  29. `Wealth is no good'; thus reflect always; there is not the least happiness therefrom; this is the truth. For the wealthy, there is fear even from a son; everywhere this is the regular mode
  30. The regulation of breath, the withdrawal of the senses (from their respective objects), the inquiry consisting in the discrimination between the eternal and the non-eternal, the method of mind-control associated with the muttering of mantras - perform these with great care.
  31. Being devoted completely to the lotus-feet of the Master, become released soon from the transmigratory process. Thus, through the discipline of sense and mind-control, you will behold the Deity that resides in your heart.

Jaya Jaya Shankara
Hara Hara Shankara
Keep LEarning

Sivakumar Manikanteswaran

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Blog Post #61 - Game theory in everyday life - what games are you playing today?

Very interesting Concept and I got this best book "Rock,Paper,Scissors" by Len Fisher.

I didn't see the movie beautiful mind and if you did or didn't you should know John Nash and Nash's equilibrium.

Why is it important to learn game theory?
Because you like angry birds? No.
Because Len Fisher is a good author. Yes.
Because it is useful and interesting. Yes.

Prisoner's dilemma is the basis of most of the game theory. Let us learn about that today.

Watergate scandal - Nixon as president of US secretly wanted to bug  Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate complex on June 17, 1972 which 5 people were tasked to do.

Long story short Nixon denied then accepted the act/cover-up and resigned.
What does this have to do with Game theory?

Bernard and Frank were 2 of the folks who were involved in the break in and got caught by cops in watergate hotel.

The prosecutor offered both Bernard and Frank (who couldn't communicate to each other ) the following
similar to the picture below - the numbers are not the same/true.

If Frank accepts and Bernard doesn't then Frank gets out of prison term = Free and Bernard is going to Prison for long time (20 years).
If Bernard accepts and Frank doesn't then Bernard gets out of prison term = Free  and Frank s going to Prison for long time (20 years).
If both accept then both get shorter prison term (say 8 years as below)
If both don't accept the crime then both get shorter prison term (say 6 months below)

The best thing that can happen is for both to shut up!! but this means that both have to trust the other person will not accept!

You and your brother(sister or friend) have taken stuff got caught and were in this dilemma... not that you were in a prison. Can you trust your brother/friend or sister that would co-operate ?

John nash won nobel prize for game theory.

Game Theory is played in market place between companies.

Look at the example below..Which company will spend R&D money on a new business platform?

Microsoft and RIM(not in business anymore?- makers of blackberry) as a group vs. Apple and Google. You can create own for Apple Vs. Google and Since I like them both I will pitch them against my 'paycheck' platform provider company Microsoft.(remove RIM who cares)

Rock Paper Scissors is played on a everyday basis during 3 way negotiation. In a real estate deal you bid for a house and you think it is between you and the seller. The seller gets another offer... there you go.. now there is a game between 3 people - buyer,seller and the competing buyer. Rock,Paper,Scissors..

I cut you choose:
If two kids are fighting for a piece of cake,ask one kid to cut and the other to choose. If you have chores around the house split it into 2 sets of chores and ask your spouse to choose. 

If someone doesn't take the last piece of cake in a tray (or the last piece of samosa in our parties) then you are playing a game too...

There are 7 deadly dilemmas

Tragedy of commons - Multi person Prisoner's dilemma. 

If there is a common place where every person who owns their cow are allowed to graze then adding one more cow by any of the owners adds to the problem.
Think water rations in Texas - if we all  follow the water regulation and water our grass when there is a drought all of us will feel that our grass suffers. 

Few of us can water and break the law and it might still not have an effect. If everyone breaks the law then there will be no water. Got it?

Global warming,Over fishing - lots of complex problems between nations have this game behind them. 
Benefits of credit cards while some are in the credit trap
dvd piracy - some people have to go to theater for rest of us to watch pirated(or original dvd.)
Can you spot Tragedy of commons next time when you witness the same?

Free Rider - Taking advantage without contributing
examples - 
Standing in a sports or non sports events and blocking other people's view while enjoying a better view for ourselves
Not joining a trade union and still enjoying benefits
Disarmament - People wanting to disarm a country would still benefit if the country makes arrangement for protection - Singapore doesn't have to have a big army while the treaty with US will help it get the massive structure to protect it.

Peter Ustinov commented - "Corruption is nature's way of restoring our faith in democracy"

The author of the book talks about a case where few people share one secretary and run to her creating emergencies. She is the shared resource and everyone wants to be the free-rider and she dealt with it by 
"Lack of planning on your part does not justify an emergency on my part". 
This is a good way to deal with free-rider and with anyone who demands anything from you without giving you time to plan/respond.

Battle of Husband and Wife (google to know this game) - 

When you (the male) want to go to a movie or watch tv or go for a game (Which man doesn't want to sit and analyze,men have lots of choices in how to watch sports - few want to play though and they go inside the TV and become players ) and your wife wants to go shopping(Which wife doesn't want to go shopping? Women have lots of choices in the shops they would love to shop) who wins?

When 2 people walk towards each other in a sidewalk , when Russia and US face off with weapons near Cuba whoever steps out is a 'chicken'. In a fight with anyone in your life whoever is ready to compromise has to tackle the 'chicken' problem. It takes a Mahatma to be human!

Volunteer's dilemma 
When asked for a volunteer if some one volunteers you are not required to volunteer.If no one volunteers you are not safe - you are now part of the pool.
When was the last time you volunteered ? Was it forced volunteering? Think about it.

Stag Hunt

in the meantime Stag Hunt is the best and highest reward structure that is all about collaboration. 4 people can kill a stag or deer. One person can kill a rat/mice. Only when 4 people collaborate - you get the point.. forget eating animals back to real life. 

On the other hand - Prisoner's dilemma was about reward and Stag Hunt is about Risk. 

How many senators will vote against Patriot act in 2000?

If you are in Tibet, each person who wants to talk to a westerner has to think about Risk of getting caught by police (because his neighbor might be a spy) and Urge to pass their thought.

These games at the highest level are mind games played by humans.

Animals play simple fight or flight responses. Humans play deadly games which are not easy to comprehend.

What games do you know?
Which ones do you play?
What strategies do you use?
Can you share them? 

Keep Learning
Sivakumar Manikanteswaran

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Blog Post #60 - Your Internet and My Internet - How is it different?

Remember the last time you picked up a magazine or newspaper?
The magazine doesn't rearrange itself when you picked it up or neither does the newspaper show you personalized ads and offers.

When you go to a store no one runs and rearranges the store to make it look like "your store" but when you visit any online store they do it for you (for free!)

In the age of mobile social media Internet revolution everything is controlled by algorithms.
Customers who saw this also saw that.
Your friends in facebook 'feed' you via news feed.
You follow people in twitter.

Even if You don't like people and never say nice things in person you 'like' their page. You subscribe to their videos or blog post (hopefully you do to mine!)

What started with personalization on ecommerce and news website is now on to google and every single website.

Test this.

Search for siva in your google ..yes your google.

Now go to your friend and ask him/her to search for 'Siva' .


Did you see.. a google for everyone. A bing for everyone .
A news site for everyone and ecommerce for everyone.

No two people have the same online experience or mobile experience.

Did you realize that these companies decide what you should see?

Do you tell them your preference or do they work with you in finding your preference. More like arranged married in like a charm if and when if does.

Happy Surfing
Sivakumar Manikantewaran

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Blog Post #59 - Where do you work? What do you do for a living?

As soon as we introduce ourselves to any one in this world most people ask our name and forget it as quickly as possible or try to use complicated algorithms (as proposed by Dale Carnegie and other gurus who say your name is the sweetest word in every language to you!) to remember your name.

I can promise most people will forget your name (just like me!) and will ask you repeat your name or call you with some other name (That means they forgot 2 people , you and the other 'name' person).

The followup question after your name is mostly "Where do you work?"

When I came to US for the first few years - we go through H1/F1/L1/J1/B1 Labor Perm 140 485 Consular processing.. (lot of stuff) and finally citizenship if you opted to.

Till an Immigrant gets a green card I use to call it "the umbical relation" between you and your employer. Your stay in US and your job are tied by  this umbical cord. The cord exits between you and your company and someone (your manager,HR or anyone else who can influence in this matter ) can cut this cord off. Once the cord is cut you cry and either survive here in US or in India or some other country (canada and Australia here I come!)

If you were born and raised in US you couldn't care less about this process unless you become a manager dealing with this process or a colleague who is bored with details of this hard and strenuous process(sometimes as interesting as a James Bond movie).

The key question "what do you do for living" must be answered all living,had to answered by all dead and had to be answered by all 'future' citizens of earth( I don't know any other planet where life exists!. Do you?)

How do you answer this question? Do you quote your company name? Your position? office location?

What do you do with what you do for a living" do we have an answer?

Keep Thinking
Sivakumar Manikanteswaran

Friday, January 3, 2014

Blog Post #58 - Decision Making - If you have to decide .. STOP.. and use this method. (from the book Decisive)

Benjamin Franklin is credit with pros and cons approach . An approach that we use most of the time.. the story of Joseph Priestley proved this to be wrong. Joseph Priestley is the scientist who discovered oxygen. He is also credited with invention of "soda water". He asked Frankin for advise and didn't follow it . Instead he used an approach we all should use - according to the book Decisive. What was the approach - it is W in WRAP below.

We all make decisions . So many of them in a single day.
Some are good.
Some are bad.
Most are neutral - your decision either way wouldn't have mattered - sad but true.

From the book Decisive here are some interesting observations

Whenever you get a question - Should I do this or that? The answer must be This and That. Try it.

The Heath brothers who wrote this book have encoded their process into a mnemonic WRAP

W- Widen your options
R- Reality Test your options
A - Attain distance
P - Prepare to be wrong

W- Widen your options

  1. Multi Tracking - Should we go for Birthday party or dinner.. it can be party and dinner.
  2. Find some one who solved your problem
  3. Look local - bright spots . If your car is always clean and not your closet check why it works for one and not the other
  4. Look Regional best practises - How does your school keep kids healthy? This should give you an idea how you can be healthy
  5. Distant - Look into another field- What have they done right? If netflix has recommendations based on customer preference based engine how can you provide a variety of food to your kid( don't!..this is just a useless analogy)

R- Reality Test your options

This is where Daniel Kahneman comes into picture. He won Noble price for economics (no big deal) and he is a psychologist (big deal to prove psychology triumphs economics)

He has a concept about confirmation bias. I will elaborate on these biases later and for now do understand that once you start seeking information you will find information to support your theory.

1. When you are about to buy something from another craigslist seller - ask disconfirming question  like "Does this ipod have a problem"
2. Zoom out - When you talk to expert don't ask open ended or closed questions . Ask them very specific questions only about past or present . Don't ask them to predict future. Ask them to provide information 
about past and present. Never about future. Remember - expert advise is only useful to identify basis. If you want to make a move to texas ask some one anyone who moved to texas (in the book they say south carolina - I ask why not Texas - I moved here so should you!). 
3. When you start a project (this is from the book - The Enchantment) - do premortem. Ask people and your friends why your project will fail. Have they done it earlier? Ask team members why this project will fail before it starts. This beats the confirmation bias.
4. Do ooch - Real life test. Experiment. Your child wants to watch tv and then do homework. Try for 3 days. Let her know that she is in charge and for 3 days she can watch tv first and then do homework and if it fails she should own and understand that the experiment failed and we can try it in another 6 months . For now, parents rule (at least for 6 months)

3. Attain Distance

1.What will I ask my friend to do in this situation?
2. What will my successor do? - If i am not the women in charge what would the next woman/man in charge do if and when I leave?
3.Use 10/10/10(another book) and referenced in this book - what does this decision mean to me 10minutes from now,10months from now and 10 years from now.

4.Prepare to be wrong

we are always almost confident about the future. we know everything - atleast so we think. We should prepare to be wrong and be prepared for victory parade too.
Setup trap wires. Have a checklist (another book - about checklist that you must read - The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right) . 

Do you know what will happen if you are wrong?

Always ask this question when you have multiple options in life or in a meetings - How can we prove this is the best option and ask everyone to work on the option and not on advising people why it is not the right one.

It is worth repeating - ask your spouse or child or team mate - if we have few options take each option and get opinion on that option (not negative but positive) and find what will it take to make sure this is the best option.

Use what you learn and decide well .

Happy new year

Sivakumar Manikanteswaran

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Blog Post #57 - Why your new year's resolution will not work . For smarter people - why you don't have a new year's resolution?

Ever since Pope Gregory decided to give us this calendar we all celebrate new year with a fervor for resolutions.

Few suggestions (including mine)

1. Reducing weight
2. Eating Healthy
3. Never to procrastinate
4. Kicking off a bad habit
5. Running everyday /exercise
6. Never to be angry
7. Meditate everyday
8. Practise guitar (or any instrument everyday)
9. Learn something new everyday
10. Write a book/a blog a day

We all know none of these resolutions will survive January. These will end up in new year resolution 2015 list.

What goes around come around.

There has been a lot of research on why we make these useless resolutions and steps to make them work.
Some of my friends have a resolution never to make a new year's resolution.
Some of my friends want to make tangible workable short term resolutions.

Your resolution may be different. But the process is the same.
You make a resolution. Work on it for a week and voila we see Santa claus.

Humans struggle with this useless effort of making a resolution and breaking it.

2 books come to my mind.

Power of habits - helps us understand that if we can anything for 21 days it becomes a habit.
So instead of resolutions for a year, we can pick 1 habit work on it for 21 days.Fail or pass - move on to the next

Willpower instinct - write a letter dated 1/1/2015 thanking your current self for a well done journey. Detail the obstacles encountered - a sick day and rainy day when you still exercised. Establishing connection between future and current self sounds crazy but it works.(Atleast according to the research and books)

So what was your new year's resolution? - Documenting your resolution and announcing to the world also helps to achieve it as there is peer pressure factor which helps you be more accountable.

What was your new year's resolution? Is it different from last year and will it be different next year?

Sivakumar Manikanteswaran