Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Blog Post #39 - How to memorize a whole book - Teach yourself and your kid (or the kid inside you!)! Memory Palace and Mind Maps

Ever since I read the book 'Moonwalking with Einstein' and Tony Buzan's Mind Maps it gets easier than ever to memorize a whole book or atleast the outline of any book?

A Memory map looks like this.

So when you open a book check the table of content and make a mind map for each chapter.
Elaborate the sub topics for each sub topic into each of the primary chapters.
If you can draw different colors for each topic it will be great.

Once the memory map is created it makes you understand the landscape laid out by the author in a canvas and learn it in your mind!

Once a mind map is created then the next step is start creating "Memory palaces"
Now that you know the topics and sub topics you need a place to keep it. This is the weird part

Our brain is wired to quickly learn any landscape and layout very quickly.  The next time you go to anyone's house observe how your mind (that you have not previously visited) has already captured the nook and corners and a quick layout in your mind.

Why is this important?

In each of the place "memory palace" you can keep stuff.. like the topics of a book.

Let us try this with an example

There is a book i read about multiple intelligence

A mind map showed the author wanted us to learn about

1. Nature Smart
2.Logic Smart
3.Music Smart
4.Word Smart
5.People Smart
6.Picture Smart
7.Body Smart
8.Self Smart

Now how do i remember these?

Imagine your house. Outside your house there is planet Pluto, a lion and a dancing Rhino.. ok. nature smart!

The door is locked and has a magic code. A puzzle to be solved . Answer is 12.Logic smart.
Since 12 is not the answer I used the door bell. Music smart.
The music didn't work either.
So I take my phone and call the my son inside the house. Word smart.
Arnav opens the door and double checks through the blinds of my house "who is outside" - People smart.
After I enter our house I find a huge canvas lying on the path with dark red color.. color spilled everywhere. Picture smart.

A few drops were now on my shirt. Oh my god! Let me change... Body smart.
Before going to show I was thinking about "how I felt" (clumpsy.. i got to go upstairs...) - self smart.

The next time you grab a book try this technique
As I mentioned earlier Intelligence = Memory recall + applicability

The book dealt very well with Memory and how any one can all the known places ( the houses you lived, your local malls. your commute ,your local grocery) and use every one of these place to store "things".

Spend 15minutes to learn how to remember 10 things and recall in exact order - Memory peg technique.. click here for the article that explains how to remember 10 things  and retrieve in any order - Link

Good luck!

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