Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blog Post #40 - What does it take to be a leader? - are you one?

I was reading this book from Guy Kawasai - Enchantment  and in the first few chapters he mentions about another great book .

Let us side track.

Page Rank - The idea behind Larry Page's indexing structure for google apparently came from academia. If you have  a white paper and if that white paper is referred or credited in other white papers then the first white paper must be a credible source. Replace white paper with websites and if this is 1998 you have a billion dollar company google.(ofcourse you need Ram Shriram and other Angel investors).

So there it was google in less than 50 words . Once we understand stuff it always appear simple! Isn't it?

Now back to book referring another book.. here are the notes I took from  Enchantment about the summary of
The leader of Mensh : Become the kind of person others want to follow

(so you don't have to read 2 books)

1. Always act with HONESTY

2. TRUST other people who have wronged you with civility

3.FULFILL your unkept promise from past

4.HELP someone who can be absolutely of no use to you

5.SUSPEND blame when something goes wrong and ask "What can we learn?"

Now 5 more..

6.HIRE people smarter than you and give them opportunity to grow

7.  ALLOW people to have their moment (which means of all of the

  • DON'T interrupt People
  • DON'T dismiss their concern offhand
  • DON'T rush to give advise
  • DON'T change subject

8. Don't HARM in anything you undertake

9. Don't be quick to SHOOT other's idea

10.SHARE your knowledge,expertise and best practices with others

Guy Kawasaki gives 2 more to this list

11. FOCUS on goodwill (not only the store)
Positive actions make world a better place

12. Give people benefit of doubt.

This is when I cry. Literally.  If you haven't watched the last lecture by Randy Pausch youtube Link you don't know what I am talking about.

A Carnegie Mellon professor who gave this speech before he died and when he gave this speech he was relatively young and healthy (even though his health was deteriorating ) and he died in a few months after this speech.

You owe it to yourself to watch this speech and he stresses the importance of giving people benefit of doubt.

Good people can do bad things because of circumstances I don't understand is how Guy Kawasaki frames it.

Randy Pausch says people will surprise you if you believe in them. Yes , trust people and they will almost always surprise you.

Happy learning!
Sivakumar Manikanteswaran

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