Friday, November 8, 2013

Blog Post #33 - Human body,Anaesthesia , Vestigal organs

206 Bones
650 muscles
Heart 3 billion time
Lungs that deliver 1500 miles of airwaves
Billions of Nerve cells
Billions of Genetic information in combinations that make everyone of us ( 7 billion now and including 60billion who died before us) unique.

100 Trillion cells = 1 Incredible

Our body also contains vestigial organs which has couple of definitions including not useful or once useful now diminishing in use once again proving Darwin.

So, yesterday I had a surgery to remove from tonsils and in the past Appendix and wisdom tooth ( I have gotten so much wisdom that the tooth is not needed anymore!)

Vestigial organ list from

Human body is an amazing thing.We are not our body. Even after organs or removed or cut off we still remain us. We are not the heart. Artificial heart and heartless people exist.
Brain damaged people and mindless people exist.

When I was in High school in India, I read in my science book that Anesthesia is one of the best medical miracles . My Anesthetist said I will not remember those times of my life while I was under the influence of Anesthesia . Wow,  sleep without pain while painful surgery is performed.

Chemicals work with our body to control  biological functions. Think Tylenol and how a chemical relieves body pain. Antibacterial pills kills live bacteria. A fight inside the body which kills the bacteria and is harmless to you.

We all start  as a cell. We have encoded information stored in this cell which how to multiply an delegate other cells what they should become. Stop.Pause. Think.

In the book

The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood

the author talks about how each cell stores this instruction manual for a human being.

Blueprints are in chromosomes which says this human will have black eys male 5feet 4inch 145 pounds ( I wish) and funny.. yes, we are talking about me!

4 letter alphabets A,C,G,T are in the human genome. Control the gene control the aging process.

 ACT G looks like Act of God To Me!

Mystery surrounds us and inside us.
God bless!

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget healing power of human body/cells. Its amazing. I always say "pardon my mistakes, God has not yet finished working on me".
