Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Blog Post #29 - Robina courtin and Julian Assange - What does Wikileaks and a monk have in common?

I was listening to Robina sometime back and was amazed at a profound wisdom. She quotes Buddhish philosophy in Understanding

We don't get upset if we spill milk. We do get upset as we didn't expect or didn't want the milk to spill.

Notice the difference.

It is not what happened. It is just that you didn't expect it to happen.

Even Dalai Lama she says when his mom died. He knew she will die one day. He didn't expect her to die when she died.

When we think of Australia, we have been told it is a continent. Then we were clarified that Newzeland and other countries are also there in Australian continent. Then we came to know there is a new name 'Oceania' sometimes also called Australasia to include Newzeland and Australia. Like Eurasia..

Australia was supposed to be where all British criminals were sent . If British sent all criminals to Australia where will Australia send its criminals? You guessed it right. They send them right back to Britan. 

Take Julian Assange as the case study.

As a hacker he has setup this wide system where any whistle blower can send information to wikileaks. He gets to decide what to publish when to publish and which names he will hide from documents.

He also protects the whistle blower. If US has Snowden as a problem child he hooks him with China ,Russia, Venezuela and now Germany. 

I am sure for Russian and Iranian whistle blowers he can get help from Western countries.

The beauty is among all other issues he is in house arrest in .. yes you guessed it right ' Great Britain'

He is able to withstand pressure from US government in British soil.

I am amazed by the netflix program 'we steal secrets' and in the book ' The new Digital Age' the authors point to the fact that there may not be more than a few of these wikileaks type of organizations in the future because of the complexity and credibility.

These organizations must help the whistle blowers by buying them whistles (kidding), getting their information out out the world with a network of web address that cannot be brought down by DOS( Denial of Service).. read the case study on when they tried to bring down wikileaks.org they could come back with wikileaks.ca wikileads.fr and wikileaks.info. These portals or platforms also needs to work with other governments and provide them asylum. Think Snowden. He is giving so much information about German Chancellor and NSA that Germany is planning on giving him asylum. 

Information is power and passport.

In Short, today's topic of how 2 Australians have  made one American of Indian Origin (me) sleepless over the fact that it is not that information should not be leaked it is just that we dont expect them to be leaked.we expect them to be declassified by the government in a process we trust and served up in cnn. com and news.google.com.

1 comment:

  1. This post really made me to search for that show in Netflix and watch. Definitely information is power. I wonder how these whistleblowers get the other country too. Won't they have information that they can leak out about the other country? No idea
