Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Blog Post #67 -Remembering self and Experiencing Self Cognitive traps and Happiness - Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman

Ever Since I read the book 'Thinking Fast and Slow' and watched Daniel Kahneman speak about the Remembering and Experiencing self  - I am trying to understand more on this subject.

 I am not going to call him Danny and make it sound like I am friends with him..although most of my friends explain all theories from relativity to radioactivity with ease except the subject of psychology which is  a tricky one.

Experiencing self is all about now. It tries to answer the question "Are you happy in your life?"

Remembering self is all about reflection/summary. It tries to answer the question "Are you happy with your life?

When the doctor touches a part and asks "Does it hurt now?" - the experiencing self answers the question.
When the doctor asks "Does it hurt in this part for the last few days?" - the remembering self jumps in to answer.

When you take a vacation of 2 weeks if both weeks are similar, the experiencing self doesn't care. It likes the extended vacation.

The remembering self wants something different to store and unless they are different it will treat it as a 1 week vacation. Also when someone asks "How was your vacation?" the remembering self will check against all your previous vacation,stack rank and explain how it was.

It is also critical how an event ends. In a vacation the lost luggage ruins the whole thing.

In a Opera - forget that example -for most readers this one quoted by Kahneman doesn't hold good but let's substitute opera with Basket Ball game.

If the last few minutes were not as enjoyable as the rest of the game - your kid was cranky,your spouse was cranky or you were cranky because your spouse and kid were cranky - it does't matter to the remembering self  . 
It will store the whole experience as unpleasant. 

Well begun may be half done for experiencing self,
Well finished is critical to storing a pleasurable experience for remembering self.

If you live in a cold weather the experiencing self doesn't care. The remembering self will store this information.

Remembering self loves to store more negative information than positive as our brain is wired to place more importance to negative stuff for survival.

How was your experience reading this post? 
What do you remember from this post?

Keep learning
Sivakumar Manikanteswaran

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