Thursday, October 16, 2014

Blog Post #94 - Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset #BeingHuman

Most people I meet I ask this question - so let me ask this question to you the reader - 

"Are leaders born or made?"
to other folks (without demeaning them I try to ask this question

"Do you know everything that you need to know ?" 

I ask this question because there has been lots of books I have read about book the mindset .

Some People have a fixed mindset - my brother (or themselves) is the most intelligent person on earth cos he was a topper in his university.

This  mindset means that intelligence is a gift and is fixed. You can know more stuff but you cannot become more intelligent than how you were born with. 

RenĂ© Descartes said Cogito ergo sum . He spoke french  and if you don't know French he said 
"I think so I exist! "

Do you exist because you think or do you think so you exist? Who is to argue with Descartes? The Hindus and Buddhist do (Since I don't know other religious viewpoints on this so I refrain from mentioning them).

The question is my reading blog post like mine and reading books can you become intelligent? 
Can you grow intelligence like a plant with enough water,sunlight and love?

Images from From

There is a difference between Knowing and Doing. 

How can do you develop the Growth mindset in your kids? (Like Dr. Abdul Kalam I like to work with children as they have an open mind - and in essence I don't have much hope with y'all reading this post!)


1. Believe it
2. Teach it
3. Model it - this is the part where you walk the walk to your kid
4. Nourish it
5. Assess it

Mixed MindsetGrowth Mindset
Wants to prove intelligence or talent.Wants to improve intelligence or talent.
Avoids challenges for fear of failure.Engages challenges to improve.
Gives up in the face of tough obstacles.Persists in overcoming obstacles.
Avoids hard labor.Sees labor as the path to success.
Treats criticism as an attack.Treats criticism as an opportunity.
Feels threatened by others’ success.Feels inspired by others’ success.

What do you think about Failure? . Here is something from Vinod Khosla from another blogger captured very nicely. 

"Talent is cheap" - Remember this. 
You can find talent and intelligence. Only when nourished it will grow. 
When applied it becomes part of 'being' 

It come one cycle.

Once you can grow intelligence and talent -- Mastery 
you need to know what to apply that for - Purpose. 

then the intelligence and talent can be harnessed for a purpose you believe in.

So the next time you meet Einstein remember Einstein was still learning and reading till he died and so did all self contented Masters of influence who affects this tiny planet.

Keep Learning
Sivakumar Manikanteswaran

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