Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Blog Post #102 - What happened when George Dantzig was late to his classroom and found 2 equations on the blackboard?

I bet you will learn atleast 1 new information in this post  - if you didn't either you are a mind genius reading my mind or you are busy!

While reading a book about Mindset I came across George Dantzig's name.

The story goes something like this

In 1939 George Dantzig went to school late one day and when he entered the statistics class.

[Jerzy] Neyman's classes were in UC Berkeley and he was late (for Indians and Asian read this as George went to class and westerns can add late to the sentence to understand not being on time! - all pun intended on Asians).

On the blackboard he saw 2 equations and assumed they were his homework. He worked on it couple of days and finally submitted them to his professor.

According to Dantzig, the problems "seemed to be a little harder than usual", but a few days later he handed in completed solutions for the two problems, still believing that they were an assignment that was overdue.

Least did he know these were two unsolved equations in statistics.


Most of us don't do our home work.

What would have happened if he knew that these were unsolved (which sometimes can be interpreted as unsolvable!)

Read more at http://www.snopes.com/college/homework/unsolvable.asp#tQZSPOZSV4kszilz.99

“If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it,”

 Albert Einstein .

May be Einstein can solve it in 1 minute but it may take us more than that.!

You get the idea.

Collect as much information as possible and understand what you are solving before solving.

Sometimes Ignorance is bliss. In this case ignorance about complexity of the problem is a bliss. You still need the intelligence to act but can be ignorant on other aspects(not being ignorant on how to act!)

Before solving anything you need to believe you can solve it. This applies to everything from issues at Home/work all the way to changing the world. Be self-aware

You need passion without which most things will be boring. Passion is sometimes combined with curiosity and looking at things as though they are 'new'!

When  I see my 3 year old looking at ants for a long time I know that this is passion to be curious!Learn from kids (not my kid - go find your own!)

It is interesting that children ask questions and a lot of them.
But  guess what  - most of the answers don't lead to the children to change the world except theirs.

 The Kids questions are interesting and the answers from adults are good(we got Wikipedia and Google). But the kids don't know what to do with the idea that came out of the questions - Wonder why all those innocent intelligent questions amount to anything - reason - They don't act on the idea.(of course they can't they are kids!)

Question the questions you ask !

Question the questions but make sure to use the answer!

What you don't know is more important than what you do and mostly that is what matters most.

Do you know what you don't know! Do you know what you know!

Mostly acting on the idea and action in general is more important than ideas.

It is said most people can make better Burgers than McDonald's but McDonald's can serve a million burgers a day and the best burger making people who do best burgers cannot scale and serve millions of hungry people with the best burgers.  Better to be mediocore and scale than to be best and serve your 4 family members. ACT.

and finally Relax .. it's just life!

Keep being ignorant about complexity
Sivakumar Manikanteswaran

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