Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Blog Post 114 - 2 Original ideas - Frameworks

When you go to a doctor's office the question you should expect is "Who are you?"

If you hear "How are you?" - it may means you are a sick person!!! - literally .. so many visits make you friends with the doctor!!!

Stay away from Doctor's if you want to be healthy. An apple a day keeps the doctor away?! What will a Dell or Lenova do - keep the hospital away? - ha ha

Seriously, avoid going to doctor's unless necessary . Doctors ,Dentist and Lawyers practice.. note the word practice. Priests pray - so go to temples,mosques, churches - any place of workship of mediation - physical or mental wellness.

Now to the 3 frameworks

1. Past Present and Future
2 Busy work and Creative work

Any situation you face has 3 parts of it
1. Past - We want to ensure we understand what happened in the past objectively and clearly
2. Present - What can we do now
3.Future - What should we expect out of this for future? Repeat ? Prevent?

Here is an example
Child broke a glass jar - make it adult broke a glass jar
1. Past - What made this happen? Jar came close to the human, human went close to jar, their interaction was not expected or was it expected but ended up bad (Needed to handle the jar but didnt expect it to be Hot !)
2.Present - So what do you do now? Clean up? Shout? Shout and clean? Vaccum? Add flour to glass pieces to mix and sweep? Google or youtube on how to clean glass pieces? Run away and come back? Ask everyone to leave the site ?
3. Future  - Should you ask the person who broke it to be careful? Was it the jar's fault? How do you know?

This framework helps me sort through thousands of things in life and work.

Practice and tell me what you think

The next idea is that of Busy work vs Creative work

Think about every work that you work on.. Is this busy work - checking off boxes..things that have to be done? Will this work matter in 10 years?

How about creativity?

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