Monday, April 14, 2014

Blog Post #83 - Newton believed in God, Einstein was the god!!! How Wonder land of Physics is intertwined with Chemistry!! #STEM

"Je n'avais pas besoin de cette hypothèse-là"

"Sir, I had no need for that Hypothesis"

Pierre Simon Laplace allegedly (love this word- makes no commitment if he said or not) to Napoleon.

What was he talking to Napoleon about? - you will know if you read this post!

CHON - Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen and Nitrogen pretty much makes up a large part of humans and other species - Organic Chemistry and add to that the other elements you get inorganic chemistry 

When Chemistry combines and starts living ,multiplying and starts consuming earth's resource then we enter the world of Biology.

These creatures(including Humans) think about creation, walking, talking and you enter 'Physics'.
We assume that we are the only creatures who think about world and future. We don't include 8.5 million species including cows, tigers, mosquitoes, bacteria and all species we share this earth with. 

“Einstein may teach you how to bend space and time, but only Newton will get you to Mars!” - A classic student fighting between Newton and Einstein.

Do you care if Einstein is better or Newton is better?  
Einstein got an element named after him in periodic table

Element 99 Einsteinium, Es, discovered in 1952,the only element ever named after a living scientist. 
No element has been named even today for Newton!!! Sir Issac Newton also never won Nobel Prize.

Do you know why?

Cos Nobel who made a lot of money by inventing dynamite made lots of money and he came to earth 100 years after Newton to the earth!

Read my  post on Mystery behind Chemistry at Link to learn about periodic table and elements named people.

#112 Copernicum, Cn, is named for Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus. and Uranium which is element 

Uranus - the planet is represented in the periodic table uranium which is element 92.

These two elements are part of the story below on physics

Before we discuss physics let's stay with chemistry and its interaction with Physics.

When My son was very young - we went to a circus .  We saw people jump high and low. Many animals were missing and there was a small group of animal rights fellows outside who protested the Barnum and bailey circus in Austin . Lion , Elephant ,Monkeys,cats and dogs. The only species that was taken for a ride and was not protected were the humans. They were swinging bar to bar and rope to rope. I explained to my son about gravity and how what goes up must come down and sometimes what goes up comes down even without its will!.

The next due to his carelessness he fell in the staircase and he shouted 'Daddy,Gravity is pulling me down!'

I always like talking about Physics and learning from kids,  Just because Kids can teach and we can learn. 

It doesn't work the other way around – adults can’t teach so kids can learn.

Go to facebook and find any photo tagged with your name and view the picture . Where does your eye go first? Your picture of all pictures in that group?

The world is not what it is but what we look for.

If you stop an adult off the street and ask what is the lowest particle each element is made up of, you might get answers like protons, electrons and neutrons.

Really. This theory on quantum physics is true – if this was still 1980.

With protons, electrons, neutrons as the basis quantum physics couldn’t have leaped to where it is today(Who cares?, we do- and we will learn about it in later blogs once I read more about them).

There are quarks, 3 Quarks forming 1 electron. 3 Quarks forming 1 neutron and there is also neutrino.
What is neutrino? - break an neutron and we expect a proton and an electron and natures gives us proton,electron and a neutrino.

It is really intriguing – empty space in space and empty space inside atoms .
Atoms – means indivisible and we have already divided that into electrons protons all the way to neutrino. Now there is string theory, wave theory, particle theory which keeps dividing these little fellows while we keep looking up to the stars and talk about galaxies and  their expansion. We see the move away from us – the galaxies. Where are they going? Why is the universe expanding? If we are in the milky way galaxy where is our sun? If you can imagine a spiral we are in the end of the spiral. More like a suburban area away from a downtown. So what is in downtown milky way ?  - Empty!

These come up Steven Hawkins and Neil Degress Tyson . Amazing scientist – who love to think in complex terms and explain in simple terms.

Physics – deals with questions outside and inside space – empty space and every particle along the way.

Now to Copernicus -  This man who understood their our senses fool us – was able to clarify that our earth is not the center. The Center is sun!.

This view is called Helio-centric view.  This other view is called geocentric view  - where earth is the center.

The scientist who could figure this out had to observe the planets and sun. See them move back and forth and not around us. Conclude that we are not the center. Propose a theory and follow up with data on sun is the center. Now before Copernicus could say this – he can be doubly sure that the Church and other entities who don’t like this non earth centric view will prosecute and kill him. So – he waited until dead bed ,proclaimed earth is not the center and died!

This way – he could be a voice of truth and not be killed(how could you kill a  man in his death bed?). Such was the plight of physicist.

We have astro physics, meta physics and quantum physics all other weird named physics trying to explain matter ,antimatter ,space, atom and every conceivable complex subject – so we can understand ,answer and ask more questions. Once we reach a point of understanding , in physics – another scientist will disprove and provide more. In Math, once proved always proved. In Physics that is not the case – labs ,real world experiment and mind are three tools that could be used for understanding.

So Copernicus gets his space in chemistry books and periodic table as element number 112.

Now to Uranium’s namesake Uranus.

Newtonian physics is an universal phenomenon.  Newton as I understand was not waiting for a falling apple. He had a problem to solve looking at the sky!

Why is the moon attached to earth? Why is the earth attached to Sun and going in circles ? Why are the planets revolving around sun?

So – this attachment and circular motion (perceived as circular motion but actual elliptical – again our senses fool us) .

Think about it – we don’t see earth  move , we don’t feel earth move- we have no clue about what is out there in space. With satellites we are now able to view from the outside in (zoom out and zoom in) and we see a new view . Hubble telescope named after Hubble has provided so many pictures now  - which has given us various views of the universe around us.

So while newton was thinking about moon – an apple could have fallen on his head,hand,body,shoulder or near him which made him think what is the basis of this movement. Gravity was the answer but this is not just Gravity. This is called Universal Gravity . The theory of universal gravity is applicable to all parts of the universe- atleast so they thought. The calculations held good for all planets and clearly explained the different orbits and positions for Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupiter.

A scientist who found Uranus couldn’t fit these calculations for Uranus and so he was sad(we don’t know – but why should the scientist always be curious!). Thus it was reasoned that we need another planet to explain this theory – Neptune. Spot 1 planet and get another planet for free!

We ended up now with Neptune and Uranus.

This – Newtonian gravity is true everywhere. Is it?

When it came to Mercury no one could explain its path. Again for few years it was theorized that there was another planet called Volcan (named after Volcano ). The scientist agreed that there might have been an asteroid which was misclassified as this planet and stepped back from that theory.

Here is where our Hero steps in – Einstein.

Einstein gravity is all about time and space. eqGravity instead of being 2 objects attracting each other he theorized that it is more like the spiral interwoven platform surface – the surface being gravity and what is under the surface is where these objects are pulling each other in space.

More like your bed and what is on the bed and not what is under the bed.

This theory helped solved the mystery for not just Mercury but even remote galaxies.

More on Einstein on next blog.

Einstein prove E=mc2.

Darwin’s theory and his book “On the Origin of Species” focused on why God may have not created humans directly as written in bible but as chimps and all lower level species which evolved into Humans.

Michael Faraday   a poor book binder proved that energy is conserved – in line with God’s wish. Electromagnetic theory and breakthroughs proved world has a fixed energy going from one form to another. Open a door – your energy is transferred to kinetic and sound energy (if your door is not well oiled!). Gun powder and corn the energy stored will be released as Mass and Energy can also become mass!

Take a spring/rubber band. Weight it.
Now stretch it and weight it.

It will weigh more and this additional weight is due to conversation of energy from your hand.  The amount of weight will be using speed of light *(times) Speed of light.

Can you imagine? If you can imagine and understand this concept – then you understand a part of theory of special relativity for which Einstein got a Nobel prize.

That leave us with Nobel – the man who has an element named after him called Element 102.He invented Dynamite among 355 other patents. With lots of wealth that he had amazed before he died he endowed 94% of his wealth. Do you know that he owned a company called Bofors?
Yes for Indians familiar with Bofors scandal this is a company which was owned by Alfred Nobel himself and you guessed it right – he was Swedish.

After his death his money was used to establish Nobel foundation to give prizes to best in
1.    Medicine
2.    Physics
3.    Chemistry
4.    Literature
5.    Peace
6.    Economics

There is no Nobel Prize for Math!! Did you know that?
Google and find out why!!

Keep Learning

Sivakumar Manikanteswaran

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