Monday, November 4, 2013

Blog Post #27 - Can you read? I mean Algebric Notation and Music Sheet

Nobody knows what Algebra means but historians agree that this term came from Arab Al-Jabr and 'restoration'/'completion' are some of the words in Urban legend Wikipedia.

We learn to read a lot of stuff but some of us struggle to read the following two

1. Chess Algebric notation
2.Music Notation

Do you know to read both of these?

Chess Algebric notation. The wonderful thing about algebric notation is how we can replay any game that was played hundreds of years ago. It is like recording these games in a recorder.

Rank- Think of it as first ,second and that is what you see.. First rank second rank
File - a through h are the files

So every location in the chess board ( 64 of them) can be represented using this notation

What does this got with algebra?

Each piece except Pawn has a notation

K - King, Q- Queen,B- Bishop ,N (K is taken for king so N ) for knight and R for Rook

Kc6 in the board above explains which Knight moved

Always White pieces are written first and then black's move
1. Kc3 Kc6
Means white moved its Knight  to c3 and Black moved its night to c6

This is just to get you started. I hope can now look at a game  and understand some of these notations

 11. Nd5 Qxe4 12. Nc7+ Kd7 13. Nxa8 Qxc4 14. Nb6+ axb6 15. Nc3 Ra8 16. a4 Ne4 17. Nxe4 Qxe4 18. Qb3 f5 19. Bg5 Qb4 20. Qf7 Be5 21. h3 Rxa4 22. Rxa4 Qxa4 23. Qxh7 Bxb2 24. Qxg6 Qe4 25. Qf7 Bd4 26. Qb3 f4 27. Qf7 Be5 28. h4 b5 29. h5 Qc4 30. Qf5+ 

Now + means Check, x means capture = means pawn promoted to get a piece 
0-0 king side castling 0-0-0 Queen side castling
++ - check mate

Use this knowledge and check some of the world famous games. Read ,Write and Enjoy chess

2. Music

Every Since Pythagoras of Samos heard some hammers ( read that interesting story else where = google it) he came up with fractions to govern Music

All music sheets (we are talking western music here) has a number 3/4 or 4/4

It has 6 lines called staff

Treble clef - the one of top with a & sign has music notes that can be played by Guitar and other high pitched instruments

Bass Clef or F clep - the one on the bottom has a F written the other way.. use your imagination where you see the 2 dots and turn the face the other way..

Tips to remember

You get into trouble with your right hand and on your FACE.

If you are playing Piano the right hand plays trouble clef.

FACE are the 4 notes between the lines.
Every Good Boy Does Fine Always ( E G B D F A) are the notes on the Line

Armed with this information you have to now know how to find these notes A through G in any musical instrument. For the piano it is simple. Check for 3 black keys. The left of the first black key in the set of 2 keys is C. Once you find C you can find everything else.

For the Bass or F clef the second line from top is F. That is one way to remember.

The other way is All Cows Eat Grass. The gaps in Bass clef are A C E G.

Once you know A in the diagram you can use this knowledge to fill up B D E F etc.. the first line from the bottom is G.

Good Boys Do Fine Always(G B D F A).

Both notes are for boys. Girls were not represented in music notes.

If you own a  Guitar (or borrow a guitar) remember Easter Bunny Gets Drunk After Easter

Lowest string from Ground is E. Then B all the way close to your hand which is Also E.

If you have any interest in Chess or Music this should help. If you don't have any interest why not give it a shot?

With youtube,apps,courera and wikipedia you are covered .

Good luck.

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