Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Blog Post #23 - How to buy time when some one asks you a question?

I am not sure which I book I took these notes from . I thought I will share these wonderful suggestions ( none of which I practice yet)

If our Brain gets 3-5 seconds it can sort out lots of information and it allows you to maintain composure

So give it a try and let me which worked and which didn't. If you have additional suggestions please let me know.

The situation : You are not normal (what is normal?) - say you are angry and some one asks you a question

The situation : You are presenting to a group and some one who loves you (pun intended) asks you a question that is not easy to answer.

The situation  You are talking to a hungry and angry spouse

The situation : Your kids or teenager wants to test you patience and asks why they can't do something while their friends are already doing it or allowed to do it.

You can

1. Think - Tell them - Let me think about it before I respond
2. Pause.  It is a sign of confidence. Pause and look as if you are waiting. People will give you more reason as to why they asked what they asked even if you don't ask for additional information.
3.Repeat - Ask the questioner to repeat
4.Return - Let me know you will return to that topic later.
5. Group - Open the question to a group if available. Pass it to everyone
6. Ask a question back -
                       What do you think?
                       Specifically, what would you like to know
                       What will you do?                      
7. Find why they are asking
8. Ask them to define part of the question - not repeat but only clarify specific items
9. Take a sip of water

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